Writing Center

Fall 2023

The Writing Center services for the semester end on November 9th at 5pm

Undergraduate Writing Center Hours of Operation

M-Tu-W-Th: 12pm to 9pm (in-person & online)

Friday: 12pm to 4pm (in-person & online)

Saturday: 10am to 2pm (virtual only)

Sunday: 5pm to 8pm (in-person & online)


Undergraduate Writing Consultants

Elise (in-person & online)

Karol (in-person & online)

Logan (in-person & online)

Makaylen (virtual only)

Summer (in-person & online)


Schedule an Appointment

Writing Center Email


Writing and ASC 

Phone# 787.256.7123


Graduate Writing Center Hours of Operation

M-W-F: 830am to 330pm (in-person & online)

Tu-Th: 11am to 3pm (in-person & online)

Graduate Writing Consultant

Ms. Wendy Campbell, MFA

Schedule an Appointment


Phone# 787.256.7123

The Writing Center provides writing consultation for any undergraduate assignment that includes a written component. While most often we deal with essays, we also can help with reports, literature reviews, group projects, etc. from any discipline. If you must write, we can help! Though the majority of our sessions deal with drafts that have already been completed, you are welcome to stop by at any point in the writing process, and to visit early and often. We can help you get started, locate sources, establish a clear thesis, integrate research, cite your sources, create a works cited… anything at all that is related to the writing process.
Writing consultation sessions can be scheduled in advance online, in-person at the center, or by calling during our open hours. Walk-ins are accepted, but students with scheduled appointments are always given priority. When you arrive for your writing consultation, please bring your work along along with, faculty directions regarding the assignment (an assignment sheet, an email or announcement, the text from Blackboard or the syllabus, etc.).

In addition to the individual sessions, the Writing Center supports writing across the University curriculum for undergraduate and graduate courses, based on writing consultant availability.

Classroom presentations on topics such as thesis validity, revision strategies, peer review, essay organization, and computer use for research.

Three ways to get assistance with your writing assignments:

Email submission. You can email your paper and a copy of the assignment instructions to WCenter@a1colleg.com .
In-person appointments.
Virtual tutoring appointments. You can speak with and share a document with a writing consultant through Bb Collaborate during regular Writing Center hours.
Desktop computers are available for you in the Writing Center, or you can bring your laptop.


November 27th to January 7th
Tutoring and writing assistance for the winter session can be accessed through your Blackboard Course under "Tools" using the BrainFuse link.

In-person and virtual tutoring from the A1 Academic Support Center and Writing Center are not available during the winter session.

*Tutoring reopens for Spring 2024 on January 15th*

Spring 2024

The Writing Center services for the semester begin on January 15th at 8am. 

 For additional information, contact,

Dr. Santos R. Cortez, Director of the Writing and Academic Support Center

Library 301

O: 787.256.7932

